International Summer School on Geology and Geoheritage – Field Training 2025
“Geoheritage of the Silk Way”
The Field Summer School on Geology and Geoheritage is the best practical way to master geological sciences through the study of geoheritage. The International Summer School provides a unique opportunity for students, postgraduates, teachers and specialists to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of geology, exchange experience with leading experts, and establish professional contacts with colleagues from different countries.
The Geoscience Summer School is held annually in one of the most contrasting regions of Central Asia with majestic mountain ranges and intermountain valleys. The Tien Shan and Pamirs present diverse geology with very visual, accessible geological sections, phenomenal forms and structures, spectacular attractive landscapes, glaciers and semi-deserts. The Tien Shan and Pamirs are important global sources of water for all of Central Asia. These mountain systems form a vulnerable and sensitive geological environment that responds to many global modern problems, such as the drying up of the Aral Sea, transboundary water resources, climate change, food security, the impact of human civilization on the preservation of geodiversity, etc.
These rocks and rocks in a relatively small area of the Western Tien Shan and Pamir clearly reflect the history of the Earth for a period of more than 500 million years. Therefore, the Tien Shan and Pamir are a natural laboratory for the study of geosciences.
All the important historical events of the Silk Road in this region could not have occurred without considering geological conditions. Geology made unconditional adjustments to the history of the development of the Silk Road. Geocults, geocultural landscapes, development of mineral deposits, settlements, monumental historical monuments appeared that reflect the connection with the geological heritage, where the geoheritage is an important environment for the development of human civilization.
Strategic Objectives: The global objectives of the Applied Summer School on Geology and Geoheritage are to exchange knowledge and experience to create an effective way of cooperation between international experts and specialists from Central Asia, within the framework of initiatives on geosciences and conservation of geological heritage, as well as the popularization of geosciences in the region.
This event can be a turning point in connecting Central Asian specialists in the field of geosciences, geoheritage and spatial planning with global geodiversity centers of important practical interest. It will also be a very good opportunity from a practical point of view to assess promising geoparks and discuss what direct actions need to be taken to include them in the global geoparks network.
Topics of the scientific and practical training seminar, August 13:
- – IUGS Geosites program – a global scientific approach to raising awareness of geodiversity,
– From geodiversity to geoheritage: new methods for assessing geodiversity and determining the location of geosites
– Scientifically based approaches to the development of geoparks from the local to the global level,
– The sequence of creating a geopark: What do the criteria mean? Tools for self-assessment of territory readiness
– Master class on drawing up a management plan for a geopark
Topics of field trainings:
- – Geomorphosites and geosites, recognition and valorization;
– Geodiversity of mountain territories: from global to local aspects;
– Geohazards in mountainous continental collision zones and their prospects as geoheritage from a global perspective.
Basic Topics of the Summer Field School:
- – Tectonic evolution and structure of the earth’s crust of the Tien Shan and Pamir,
– Geodynamics and seismicity of the Tien Shan,
– Geomorphology and Quaternary geology of the Tien Shan,
– Mineral deposits of the Tien Shan,
– Glaciers and water resources,
– Geological risks,
– Reference geological sections of international importance - – Geoheritage sites of international importance
Who can participate:
The scientific and applied summer school invites experienced professionals and young geologists working in the field of geodiversity and geoheritage research, as well as working on potential geoparks, both in Central Asia and in other countries, striving to preserve geoheritage and enhance the role of geosciences in the life of humanity. The summer school is open to students, postgraduates, young professionals, as well as connoisseurs of geoheritage and researchers in the field of geosciences.
The concept of the International Summer School on Geology and Geoheritage
Every year, the international summer school is held in the most amazing mountainous regions of Central Asia, in the Tien Shan and Pamir.
In the program of the field summer school, we will see extensive attractive geodiversity, geoheritage objects, geocults, visit geoparks and get acquainted with cultural heritage. During the master classes, we will master the skills and methods of researching geoheritage objects. During the field trip, we will learn to identify and describe geoheritage objects, as well as discuss their origin, structure, significance, value and role in the development of civilization.
The Applied Summer School is not only geology, but also culture, ethnography and historical monuments that have a direct or indirect connection with geoheritage. The Summer School is new professional contacts and acquaintances of young specialists and professionals from different countries. This is a joint journey and study in the world of geoheritage, and in one of the most diverse geological regions of the Eurasian continent. The Summer School is the popularization of geosciences and their comprehensive application. These are new impressions, experience and skills. This is a journey of millions of years!
The Scientific and Applied Summer School on Geology and Geoheritage is a platform for cooperation and gaining advanced experience in the field of geodiversity, geoheritage and geosciences in general. The field trip is an opportunity to consolidate theory with field practice, where participants will gain practical skills in geodiversity research. The study is based on the methods of structural geology, historical geology, stratigraphy, paleontology, assessment of exogenous-geological processes, georisks, geography, climatology and their relationship with socio-economic development.
The mission of the summer school:
Popularization of geosciences as a tool for researching geoheritage as important natural objects of the highest scientific value. These are geological objects that have served the development of geological science, especially in its early history. They are the best demonstrations of geological features and processes in the world. These are places of incredible discoveries in the history of the Earth. During the field practice, the best international experts will demonstrate the methodology for assessing and studying elements of geodiversity. Participants of the trip will visit areas of potential geoparks, where international experts will demonstrate in practice the skills of self-assessment of these territories from the point of view of geoheritage.
The applied summer school will allow you to master the skills and methods of geological research in a number of geosciences. You will learn about georisks in mountainous countries, about water resources, about glaciers and semi-deserts, about the biography of water in Central Asia, as well as new information about the geological history of the Tien Shan, its features and diverse geoheritage.
The Summer School is held under the auspices and with the scientific support of:
- – UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty
– International Commission on Geoheritage (ICG) of the International Union of Geological Sciences IUGS
– European Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage ProGEO - – UNESCO Yangan-Tau Global Geopark
– UNESCO International Geoscience Programme (Project 727 IGCP)
- Tian Shan Geological Society
Teachers – trainers of the summer school on geology and geoheritage
- Prof. Károly Németh, DSc, is a Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and an Adjunct Professor of Geology at Massey University, New Zealand. Vice-President of the International Association of Sedimentologists. Chairman of the Subcommittee on Geosites of the International Commission on Geoheritage of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS).
- Dr. Ahmet Serdar Aytaç, Kula Salihli Geopark representative , Türkiye. Geopark Expert “AYTAÇ”
- Airat Galiev – Director of the UNESCO Global Geopark Yangan-Tau
- Anatoly Jadeyev, The Member of the Board of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Consultant of the Tien Shan Geological Society
- Dr. Vasily Mikhailov – Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences
- Representative of ProGEO ?
Those wishing to take part in the events can contact WhatsApp/Telegram +996 553 991663
Or write to the secretariat: